White Crepe Paper Ruffles Snow Drop With Scalloped Edges - 2 Yards - White Wedding Handmade DIY Crepe Paper Ruffle Trim
I have been looking for a white crepe paper that I could use for ruffling and finally found one! usually the white vintage crepe papers have yellowed with age and are now more of a lovely cream color.
this tiny snow drop ruffled paper garland is hand made with winter white crepe paper.
the frothy white ruffles measure 2 yards long and approx. 1 wide with a sweet scalloped border gathered along each side.
the garland is folded carefully and tied with a bit of tulle
fold a 4 inch piece of the paper garland in half along the stitching and twirl it in a circle to make a delicate florette or ruffled medallion.
photo shows a roll of the vanilla cream and the snow drop ruffles for color comparison.